The Lang Family

[Related surnames: Bertrand, Lawlor, Angelsey, Strucel, Mann]

James and Katherine Lawlor Lang were my great-grandparents on my mother’s side.

James Lang was born in Black Brook, Clinton County, New York in 1843. His parents emigrated from Ireland sometime between 1802 and 1841.
Katherine [or Catherine] Lawlor was born in County Kerry, Ireland in 1852 and came to this country when she was 15. The settled in Houghton County, Michigan and had 12 children. She was the first in a long line of Catherines/Katherines in our family — I’m the last.












My grandparents, Rose Bertrand and Thomas Francis Lang on their wedding day, May 21, 1921, St. Anne Church, Laurium, Michigan

Their son was Thomas. He and Rose Bertrand Lang were my grandparents on my mother’s side.


Pretty Wedding is Solemnized at St. Anne’s Church Today.

The marriage of Miss Rose Bertrand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Bertrand of Montreal, Canada, and Thomas F. Lang, son of Mrs. Catherine Lang of Lake Linden avenue, was solemnized this morning at 9 o’clock at St. Anne’s church. Reve, Fr. Paquet officiated. The attendants were Miss Catherine Lang and Hugh Lang, sister and brother, respectively, of the groom.

The bride wore a beautiful blue suit with picture hat and a corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses. Following the ceremony a dinner was served.

The groom, who is well known, is employed by the Houghton County Traction Co., while the bride, during her short residence here, has made a host of friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Lang will leave today for Chicago where they will spend two weeks after which they will make their home on Lake Linden Avenue.

This is my mother’s family in about 1945. It may be the only picture in existence that shows the whole family together. James Francis; Katherine Virginia [my mother]; Patricia Rose; their mother, Rose Bertrand Lang; Thomas Bertrand; Mary Catherine Elizabeth; and their father, Thomas Francis Lang
Photos – See the Lang Photos Page


James and Kate, July 24, 1869

Death Records 

These three are the first death records I was able to find online about twenty years ago. They are recorded on the Genealogical Death Indexing System for Michigan, which covers deaths from 1867-1897. See the records.

  • Patrick Lang (1802-1875) Oldest Lang ancestor that I’ve found. He was born in Ireland and immigrated between his birth and 1841
  • Hanora Lang (1877) A daughter of Kate and James.
  • Hugh Lang (1880) A son of Kate and James.

Obituaries and Death Notices

My mother, Katherine Lang Billings (1930-1997)

Mary C. Lang Anglesey (1923-1972)

Rose Bertrand Lang (1892-1975)

Thomas Bertrand Lang (1925-2001)

Genealogy Reports and Family Group Sheets
The Lang report–last updated March 2024. This is the entire descendant report for Patrick and Honora Lang from 1802 to this generation. Information about living persons has been privatized.

These family group sheets need updating.
The family group sheet for Patrick and Honora Lang.

The family of James and Catherine Lawlor Lang.

John and Mary Henessey Lang and their children.

Julia Lang and her McCormick clan.

Census Pages 
The first census records of our family in America, beginning with Patrick and Honora Reardon Lang in Black Brook, Clinton County, New York, in 1850. The records from the next three decades show them and their children in Houghton County, Michigan.

The children of Patrick and Honora in Michigan census records in 1900.

The grandchildren of Patrick and Honora in 1920 Michigan census records.

Blog Posts
Met with Therese Strucel, Rose Globke, Barbara and Joe Callahan to look at old Lang and Lawlor photos and see the family Bible. Read the story here.




Houghton County, Michigan USGenWeb Project
Lots of Houghton County history here, including news articles.