I thought I’d get to bed early tonight, but then I decided to update a couple of things on the site. And here it is 1:30am.
I planned to copy a page of obituaries on the old site over to a page on the new. But then I didn’t like how random the page was: six obits of people from different branches. So I decided to make a photo gallery of all the obits I had in a variety of genealogy folders floating around on my desktop. They’re still random branches, but at least they have captions and can be easily read.
But as I was searching for obits, I kept also finding death records, and those are pretty interesting, as well. So I set up another page for death records, again, various branches, but at least with some captions of explanations to who each person is and how they are all related to me.
The pages are linked under the Trees | Reports | Memorials section of the menu.
Obituaries and Notices From Newspapers and
And now, I’m off to bed!