Related surname: Palmer | Palmore
I first came across the Ostranders when my husband decided to give me a little help finding his Palmer relatives. I had hit a dead end, since his mother didn’t remember much about them, and his father has been dead since 1974.
Rick took me to the Grand Lawn Cemetery in Detroit to see his father’s parents’ grave. They were William M. Palmer and Iris Luella Bradley Palmer. I copied the dates and set out online to find some information. Lo and behold, in, there were several full trees that included Iris and her ancestors back to the Ostranders in the 1600s. I imported the gedcom, started finding lots of birth, cemetery, and census records to supplement the things I had found and to flesh out the sources.
I then had an odd discovery (of course, not too odd, to the genealogist!). My brother married Karen Bojanowksi in 1998. We were at a family party and I asked her for her personal information to add to our family tree. She said her maiden name was Ostrander. She has since given me copies of her family branch and she is cousins 5x removed from my husband, Rick. I transcribed all her info into Rick’s tree and it verified and fleshed out much of what I had. I printed a report to send to Karen.
Then, my hard drive crashed! Unfortunately, for reasons I am still not clear about, I do not have the tree file. All that’s left for now is the report. I am working to input all the information I had found earlier and will get it online as soon as I do.
Because I’ve added so much information, there is a separate tree just for the Palmer/Palmore surname. All of the Ostrander information I have is also here. [last updated 2002]
The Palmer Tree [Including Ostranders]
The Report
The Descendants of Pieter Pieterzen Van Oostrander (b.1630)
Obituaries/Death Notices
Census Pages