Unknown Indiana Family
These are among old photos I found in my grandmother’s album. I would love to be able to identify the relatives. I think the Indiana pictures were taken around 1918-1920, because of the dresses, my Aunt Cora’s age, and their placement in my grandmother’s book.
Based on the early deaths of my g-g-grandmother Eliza’s other nieces, nephews, and siblings, I am guessing that the only surviving Indiana relatives in that time period were the Sloughs. Hoping some Slough relatives can identify someone!
Eliza Schmachtenberger with Family, c. 1895-1900

Sara Schmachtenberger Slough?
This picture is in my grandmother’s photo album and it’s on a page called, “Indiana Relatives.” I’m guessing that the older woman in the center may be Sarah Schmachtenberger Slough. Her obituary picture is below for comparison.
Based on other pictures, I think the woman next to her on the right is her daughter Nora–the face and body type are similar to the old photo above. The final woman standing on the right is definitely Cora Rushton, daughter of Eliza Schmachtenberger and Hiram Rushton. As to the younger women? Based on the process of elimination, I believe one is Esta (back row), Nora’s daughter and the other is Aneeta, Gertrude’s daughter (front row, seated).
I only know the man in the center, front row. He is Cora’s husband Joseph Howkins. If these are Sarah’s family members, then two of the men could be Williamson brothers and one could be Frank Long (perhaps standing next to my Esta guess?)
This picture is in my grandmother’s photo album and it’s on a page called, “Indiana Relatives.” I’m guessing that the older woman in the center may be Sarah Schmachtenberger Slough. Her obituary picture is below for comparison.
Based on other pictures, I think the woman next to her on the right is her daughter Nora–the face and body type are similar to the old photo above. The final woman standing on the right is definitely Cora Rushton, daughter of Eliza Schmachtenberger and Hiram Rushton. As to the younger women? Based on the process of elimination, I believe one is Esta (back row), Nora’s daughter and the other is Aneeta, Gertrude’s daughter (front row, seated).
I only know the man in the center, front row. He is Cora’s husband Joseph Howkins. If these are Sarah’s family members, then two of the men could be Williamson brothers and one could be Frank Long (perhaps standing next to my Esta guess?)
More Clues
Esta again, next to perhaps Gertrude (who is not in the other family shot, but looks to me like an older version of the top photo’s young woman in the front right). Cora again, and my guess is the last woman is Gertrude’s daughter, Aneeta.
Sarah Slough’s Obituary Picture
Here’s the only picture I have that I know is Sarah. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but I believe she looks pretty similar to the older woman in the other pictures.