In December 2001, I spent an evening with some cousins on the Lang side of the family: Therese Strucel, Rose Globke, and Barbara and Joe Callahan. They are descendants of James Lang and Catherine Lawlor. Therese brought a beautiful old photo album that probably belonged to James’s and Catherine’s daughter Mary Anne Lang. It was filled with pictures from the late 1800’s, including some tintypes. I took digital photos of all the pictures and will begin to post them here. Many were unlabeled, and some had the family surname written right on the photo.
The photos include those of both the Lang and Lawlor families.

Here is a gallery of the unlabeled photos. Some have guesses as to the identity, but many are unknown.
I think this may be the same man and woman: James Lang and Catherine Lawlor in their younger days looks similar to the couple in their older photos in the early 1900s.