Edward Billing in 1872, living on Pleasant?
Also note, William Bromell on the same page. He’s a hotel owner. He also owned a hotel in Toronto. His daughter Emma married Edward’s son John Albert in 1877.

Shedrich Billings in St. Thomas, 1882

Giles, brother of Edward. He’s here with his son Thomas. Giles died in 1885.

John Albert in a directory of St. Thomas in 1886 as a partner with his wife’s brother, Silas = Billings & Bromell (Albert Billings & Silas Bromell) grocers, 205 Talbot. He lives on Metcalfe near Talbot
Shadrach is a carpenter at Harris & Co, and lives at 429 Talbot
George is an engineer at Grand Central and boards at the same. (Elijah) George was also from Cornwall. He was a second cousin of Edward.

Albert was a grocer. Not sure if he lived at Talbot and New or if that was his business address (or both).

Albert is a commercial traveler living at 19 Isabel
His mother Ellen, “boards” with him?
Bertram and Shadrach live at 423 Talbot
Elijah George lives on 63 Forrest Ave.

(John) Albert is a “trav” at Rudolph & Begg, lives at 15 Victoria
Ellen is widowed and still living at 19 Isabel
Bertram and Shedrach live at 423 Talbot. Shadrach works for Billings & Axford, which is a separate listing as a company
Elijah George is still alive at 170 Manitoba.
The interesting thing is that in 1909 or so, Albert’s daughter Gladys married a man named Austin Beggs. I wonder if he is related to this company her father worked for.

Ellen Billing, widow of Edward is living at 19 Isabel. Her son (John) Albert is living at 26 Ann. Does this mean the family moved into her house sometime before 1900? I assumed she moved into theirs, but I may be mistaken.
Also on this page: Bertram, “Hujean” (Eugene) and Shadrach.
George Billing at 170 Manitoba may be Elijah George, husband of the widow Rachel in the 1900 census. Elijah George died in 1899.

Billing, Albert, carp MCR (Michigan Central Railroad), home 19 Isabel
His mother Ellen Foote Billing, widow of Edward is also in the home. This makes me curious about the photo I have of the entire family at the turn of the century. My grandfather is a young boy in the photo and I assumed the older woman behind him was his mother Emma Bromell Billing before she died. But the woman is a bit old looking for mid-40s. Is it his grandmother, who would be 80ish?
Carrie (age 18), my grandpa’s sister, is a saleslady at Singer Manufacturing Co.
Also on this page:
Bertram L. and Eugene E., sons of Shadrach, all boarding at 89 Curtis
Rachael, widow of George, on Pearl off Elysian.